My Holistic Services
I’m a certified energy healer specializing in a variety of holistic treatment services. I regard each patient as a whole, rather than an illness to be defeated. I believe in nurturing, rather than battling against the body. Get in touch with me today to start healing your mind, body, and soul.
Health Treatments
One Light Healing Touch
I am a Certified ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH Practitioner and Instructor. As a Practitioner, I offer energy healing sessions in-person and via distance.
Clients are fully clothed and the healer’s hands are placed lightly on or above the client, depending on the client’s wishes. The healer scans the client for blockages and stress, then connects with high healing energy using a wide range of One Light Healing Touch healing techniques, and then transmits the restorative healing energy through their hands into the client. After the session, the healer shares insights from the session. (See page “About OLHT” for details)
Whole Earth
Earthing Session
Earthing or grounding can be achieved through walking barefoot, sitting, working, or sleeping outside. Whole Earthing involves a salt water mud soak within our sacred Earth. The benefits can include better sleep and reduced pain. Science has discovered that connecting to the conductive systems that transfer the Earth's electrons from the ground into the body is an extremely beneficial healing therapy. In our earthing sessions we include a guided meditation, outdoor shower, and a prayer of thanks to Mother Earth.
As a Certified ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH™ Instructor, I am pleased to offer our powerful and deeply healing trainings including: Release Stress with Energy Healing, Self-Healing with Energy Medicine, A Day of Healing and The Basic Training. All training dates to be announced. Subscribe to get the latest updates on trainings and events.
Release Stress with Energy Healing and
Self-Healing with Energy Medicine
A Day of Healing $160 Full Day
See Event Page for
Intro Workshops
7 to 8:30PM
See Event Page for Day of Healing Workshops
Via ZOOM or in person
Join me in this introductory workshop on energy healing where you will learn techniques to release stress, experience self-healing practices and open your innate healing ability. Learn how life-force energy flows and how to tap into your innate healing ability. Discover the six sacred practices for profound self-healing and inner peace. Experience a profoundly healing evening and release old programming and stress. Become more grounded, focused, intuitive, peaceful, joyful and aware. Experience the 6 Position Meditation/Visualization, along with Breath work and Chanting techniques to clear away stress and help you become more balanced.
Take this opportunity and learn Scanning, Radiant, and Long Distance Healing and experience a powerful one-day training from our renowned International Energy Healing and Mystery school. It’s time to release years of accumulated stress and emotional programming. Deepen your spiritual connection while exploring the ancient, spiritual art of hands-on healing. Learn how to access, strengthen and apply the healing energies that we all possess. This training enhances the immune system, clears emotional and physical blockages, increases understanding and awareness and brings greater balance to the Body, Mind and Spirit.
Learn & Experience:
The Six Sacred Self-Healing Practices to deepen our personal healing and increase spiritual awareness: meditation, visualization, sound work, breath work, movement and sacred ceremony.
The Acclaimed "Nine Point Protocol" that teaches us to perform healings in a protective and ethical manner.
Scanning, Radiant, and Long Distance: three profoundly effective healing techniques that help us to heal our family, friends, clients and ourselves.
Basic Training:
Jan 14-16, Feb 11-13, Mar 18-20, Apr 8-10, May 13-15, June 10-12
Basic training offers invaluable tools for everyone in the holistic arena and all those seeking personal growth and self-healing. We take a comprehensive, multi-leveled, heart-centered and grounded approach towards health and healing. We work with over 33 advanced Esoteric, Shamanic, Holistic, energetic, and hands-on healing techniques to heal ourselves and others, to Sacred Initiations into Higher states of consciousness; and over 50 self-healing Practices.
This innovative and liberating training that enhances our abilities to know, to express and fulfill ourselves, and to help others grow and evolve. The Training includes a range of unique techniques of transformation that allow profound change to occur by helping us to release long-held programming and subconscious energy patterns. The One Light Healing Touch™ practices and techniques increase our health, awareness, joy, creativity, intuition and other psychic abilities, deepen our spiritual connection, and help us to fulfill our Purpose for Being.
The Training Includes:
– Grounding: Many of our spiritual issues are caused by dissociation from the body.
– Clearing the Field: Cleansing and securing our auric field is essential in avoiding the imbalances caused by holding onto the energy of clients and other people.
– Eliminating Obsolete Programming
– Connecting to Source: Accessing Source teaches us how to live, how to know our purpose for being, and how to find our place in the world.
-The Nine Point Protocol: A unique teaching created by Ron Lavin, on how to work with another soul during a healing, in an ethical, elegant, healing and empowering manner.
Fifty Self–Healing Practices including: Meditation, Visualization, Sound work, Breath work, Movement, Sacred Ceremony, and a range of Shamanic and Prana-Yama Breath Techniques, and much more.
Thirty–Three Advanced Healing Techniques including: Archangelic, Chakra, Color, Heart, Magnetic, Past–Life, Radiant, Male and Female, Distance Healing Techniques and much more.
18 Days of Hands on Training, 6 OLHT "Journey's" CDs or MP3s, and a Certificate of Completion. *Lodging, transportation and meals are not included.
~ 18 Day Class ($3500 + offered discounts) - 6 Three Day Sessions Over 6 Months
Available Discounts:
$50 off for early registration, and/or A Day of Healing
$100 off for payment in full prior to the school
Repeaters: 40% off for 1st time repeaters: 50% off for 2nd time repeaters
Ministerial Services
Death Doula
When people are nearing the end of their lives, a doula will visit and often sit vigil with them as they are dying. They also help patients with their will and other advanced directives. They help people do legacy projects such as quilts, art projects, scrapbooks or writing letters to leave behind for their relatives. As a death doula I make myself available to assist a dying individual and, typically also the family before, during and after a death occurs in order to provide physical, emotional, psychological and even spiritual support.
House Blessing
Wedding Officiant
The main duty of a wedding officiant is to make your wedding official by fulfilling the requirements set forth by the marriage laws in the state in which you are being married. This includes witnessing the couple deliberately give their consent to the marriage and signing the marriage license.
Funeral Celebrant
As a funeral celebrant I am qualified from a non-clergy background, to officiate funeral services. Many people choose a celebrant to conduct their loved one's funeral as the service can be custom made to best reflect the wishes of the family and the life of the deceased
House blessings are rites intended to protect the inhabitants of a home from misfortune, whether before moving into it, or to "heal" it after an occurrence. Many religions have house blessings of one form or another. Tereasa specializes in Shamanic practices.